Robert Bess

Some sort of crazy paranormal showdown

Personally I thought this little incident was behind us, but it seems Robert Bess is calling some folks out. He claims he can capture paranormal activity and wants the Ghost Adventures team to be a part of it.I’m not really sure why he needs them to prove his parabot works, but apparently Bess has issued the following challenge:

The challenge involves a live capture of a ghost and to produce real evidence on the spot.

"I’ve told them anywhere," Bess said. "They can even pick the location and bring as much help as they need."

"If I win – meaning, if I deliver real proof of paranormal existence in the location of their choice right then and there as it happens – I request that they cancel the next season and tell the public exactly why."

"If they win, it’s up to them what they want in return." he added.

I think there is a lot of innuendo going on in that statement. What’s the deal with this line? -"I request that they cancel the next season and tell the public exactly why." Is he saying there is fakery afoot? Did something else happen during the investigation that hasn’t been brought up? Is there some claim against the Ghost Adventures team he’s thinking of making at some point? I’m really curious what he means by that. Do we have another jacket pulling incident in the making here?

Paranormal Showdown

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