Ghost Hunters Buffalo Central Terminal

The talk of the Halloween Special had me curious about this investigation so I dug back into the archives and found the original investigation. To put it bluntly, this episode is a load of bunk!

In it’s prime, I’m sure the Central Terminal was quite a vision to behold. It’s a grand building that looks quite opulent. However, it has fallen into some serious disarray and is a complete wreck. All the windows have been smashed, the place has been looted and vandalized, the floors have been ripped up, the roof has been torn down, the wires are all exposed and there is debris everywhere. It’s a pretty sad sight really, but as far as paranormal activity goes, Jason and Grant are grasping at straws.

Normally, a place would be considered haunted due to it’s tragic or tormented past. That really hasn’t happened here. There isn’t that defining tragedy about the place. I suppose that doesn’t have to be a part of the history, but it seems so common these days I just sort of expected it.

Anyway, this investigation is riddled with problems in my opinion. First off, it’s raining which is clearly going to have an effect on things. There will be drips and additional sounds (are those footsteps?). The building is going to creak and pop so of course you’re going to hear noises all over the place. There will be wind so you’ll hear whistling and moans. The place is abandoned so there is going to be animals all over the place (is that what caused the scratching, rustling, board to fall?). If it’s raining that will just drive them inside.

As you would expect, the train station is right next to the road so there are streets lights and of course cars and trucks rolling by. This will obviously have an impact. Basically, there’s a ton of external factors that will pollute the environment. Plus, the place looks like it would be an echo chamber. What you hear in one place will travel all the way through it. I’m just saying there are so many causes for false positives right off the bat.

Putting that aside, I absolutely question the evidence and the results they conclude from it. First off, that EVP of Go Home sounds completely bogus. It sounds like someone off camera trying to sound scary. To me, that is completely manufactured for the show. I dare say, that might be faked.

Second, there is the thermal image of what Jason and Grant claim is someone at the end of the hall walking around. Then they zoom in on and slow it down. And it’s at that moment that you realize it’s a PIGEON!!! Or at least some other bird, standing on the ledge, walking back and forth, bobbing it’s little head. As they roll the footage it’s as clear as a bell that it’s a bird! Why on earth would they even think it’s a spirit? This is just blatant reaching at straws!

As for the moans, could that possibly be the wind or the creaking building?

They also claim to get two other EVPs which are quite garbled. There is something about "girls" so maybe they did capture something. But as I’ve said before, EVPs mean nothing to me.

Now, about that whole K2 session they did with the woman waiting on the train. Just to ask, why is it that when Jason and Grant claim to be talking to a spirit they NEVER ask about the afterlife? Instead of sitting there asking if they can make it go to 3, why not ask something a little more related to the spirit world? But I digress…

We’ll put that aside as well and discount the fact that I think the K2 meter is a load of crap and focus on the event itself. It certainly seems interesting to have the lights bounce around like that, but are we really saying that can’t be manipulated? I mean, I’m sure it’s impossible to trigger that from off screen. Or all the faulty wiring couldn’t have an effect.

It also seems interesting to me that they don’t get any EVPs while the K2 meter is going off. You would think if a spirit has the juice to blink the lights they could offer up a pretty clear word or two. But no, I guess it doesn’t work that way.

When all is said and done I don’t really get the feeling this place has paranormal activity. It almost seems like Ghost Hunters is heading back to help drum up some business for the place. I mean Waverly Hill has haunted tours all over their website (they aren’t cheap) and they’re booked for the rest of the year. I’m sure that sort of cash flow wouldn’t hurt Buffalo Central now would it?



Look at what I found. Jump to 5:35 in this clip and watch the zoomed in, slowed down footage. Any one else see a bird rather than a spirit jumping around?


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Ghost Hunters Live Halloween Event at Buffalo Central Terminal

With Josh Gates and Allison Scagliotti set to host the event.

Well, it looks like the Ghost Hunters are going to try their hand at another Halloween Special for 2010. For this year, they return to Buffalo Central Terminal which they originally visited back in 2008. I only vaguely recall the original episode so I may have to dig this one out and see what kind of evidence they captured. I sort of recall it not being that active, but it must have had something going on for them to go back for a second run at it.

Anyway, it seems there will be a live event (but as we’ve seen, their definition of "live" and our definition of live aren’t always the same thing) and multiple re-run episodes leading up to the event. With Josh and Allison at the helm I’m sure it will be quite entertaining. I’ll probably tune in for the re-run of it at some point, I’ve got plenty of pumpkin burning and other activities going on that night, not going to spend it watching Jason and Grant play shenanigans in the dark.

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Paranormal State comes back for Season 5 on October 17

And it looks like they’re slated for 20 episodes…

Despite my better judgment I’m going to give Paranormal State another chance. I haven’t been too enthusiastic about this show and last season just about drove me away, but I’ll go out on a limb and check out the first couple of episodes to see how they play out. I have to say my expectations are pretty low at this point. If Ryan jumps on the demonic bandwagon again though that’ll be an end to it. If he ends up in another exorcism …

The new season starts in a week so I guess we’ll find out.

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Ghost Adventures – Waverly Hills Sanatorium – S04E04

Waverly Hills is perhaps one of the most recognized names when it comes to spirit activity. Countless shows and teams have gone there to investigate. It’s got a long history of death and disease and we’re all familiar with the high death toll, the body chute, the nurse who supposedly hung herself after getting pregnant and the boy who still plays in the halls. Zak, Nick and Aaron take their turn at this massive building to see what kind of evidence they can capture.

Things get moving very quickly with multiple EVPs (or static as I like to call it). They also bring in something new which I believe Aaron called a Rempod. He sets it up in the location where the nurse supposedly committed suicide and within a few seconds it starts going off. Zak is able to ask the entity to move around the room and trigger the device almost at will. Something certainly seems to be there and appears to be communicating with them.

BUT, before we get too excited, let’s take a step back and think about this for a moment. What exactly does this device going off mean? What does it detect? What does it measure? How much is enough to trigger it? What are the baseline readings? Is there any sort of scientific merit to what it’s recording?

Sure, it seems insanely exciting that Zak is talking to an entity with this new device, but I really have to ask what that device does. Why should I believe it? Just saying it detects spirits is not enough to convince me of anything. That device could be remotely triggered off camera. It could be detecting the camera or audio equipment they use. It could be reacting to changes in humidity or temperature for all I know. Setting a box on the floor that lights up and makes noise is certainly theatrical, but unless you provide some details on how the thing works it’s all pretty meaningless.

With that science experiment over the guys move on to the morgue and laboratory. Zak spends some time lying on a slab where he begins to feel lethargic and as though he has people lying on top of him. Is he feeling the spirits of lost souls or is he just getting sleepy because he’s lying down? He is in the dark you know.

Next, they split up and start working their way through the halls. Aaron seems to get some activity going on around him. He basically scares himself to the point of peeing his pants. Are the spirits coming after Aaron because they think he’s bait or is he just scaring himself senseless? He nearly works himself into a panic.

Moving on the guys head out to find "the Creeper", a shadow entity that apparently crawls along the ground and might even crawl across the ceiling. They set up a full spectrum camera and actually capture what appears to be something moving along the wall. Is this the creeper? Is this a patient? Is it one of the nurses? Or could it be a shadow cast from car headlights? Is it something passing in front of the light of the full moon that’s outside? What do we have here?

Zak and the guys pick up dozens of EVPs, but I’ve just come to ignore those. They’ve become meaningless. If people hear words in that mess then good for them. I still think they all sound like static and I certainly don’t hear these big long phrases that Zak supposedly hears.

I was really excited the guys were headed to Waverly Hills since it has such an unusual past and lots of other teams have investigated there. However, I’m not sure the GA team really walked away with much. The place is certainly creepy and makes your hair stand on end, but did they capture solid evidence? For those that love the EVP they got a lot of them. There seemed to be quite a bit going on with the Rempod and the nurse, if you’re willing to believe it. And there seems to be a shadow moving up the hall in the video footage. Some interesting stuff, but truthfully, I found it a little lacking. I’m not sure what I was expecting or hoping for, but I didn’t find this evidence all that compelling. The episode was certainly entertaining, its just that everything seems to hinge on those EVPs and they just don’t sound like anything to me.


The Rempod (or whatever it’s called) seems interesting. I’d like to learn more about that. I can’t find anything on it so far.

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