Paranormal State – Paranormal Detour – S05E07
While apparently on break between cases, Ryan and team try an experiment to see if they can drive into some random town and find paranormal activity. An interesting idea, but not really all that remarkable. I think it would be hard to find a town that didn’t have some house or building or track of land that all the residents thought was haunted. Isn’t there always some creepy place everyone is afraid to go or they talk about in whispers?
Anyway, through crazy, random happenstance they end up at the Klondike Restaurant which has claims of the paranormal. The owners claim they hear their names being called, they see shadows, they hear whispering, glasses get broken, there are cold spots and someone in the laundry room keeps asking if they can help with the laundry. The owner and several of the employees have no doubt the place is haunted since the activity has been going on for years.
I’m not sure why, but Ryan brings in Lorraine Warren who immediately says the place has all manner of dark energy and feels confident a murder took place there. After only mere moments of being there she is convinced the place is off the charts bad. Right after that declaration Ryan begins to have a conniption about being touched all over his body. Even Lorraine thinks he’s acting crazy. There is nothing to substantiate all this touching and none of the people interviewed mentioned anything about it.
They have now turned things into a full fledged investigation and the team is going to work a shift at the restaurant and see what kind of experiences they can have. Katrina ends up feeling some odd things while doing laundry down in the basement and claims to hear someone sneeze even though she is down there alone. She also claims to hear footsteps when no one is around. Seems like she is the only one getting any activity. It should be noted that the washer and dryer are giving off huge amounts of electrical energy which could explain the odd feelings people have down there. And if the wiring is that bad down in the basement it’s probably pretty crappy throughout the rest of the building. Who knows what people are feeling with that kind of energy coursing through the place.
But in usual fashion Ryan starts running around yelling, “in the name of Jesus Christ…” which is not only annoying, but it doesn’t accomplish anything. It seems to be his fallback plan when nothing is going on. It builds dramatic tension.
I don’t believe they got any tangible evidence to support a single claim that the place is haunted. And they really don’t do anything while they’re there so why should the activity decrease? (as listed in the episode summary text) Further, it doesn’t seem like the owner is really bothered with the idea of the place being haunted. If anything, seems like that would be a good thing for business.
This episode was kind of flaky. It was an interesting idea but I’m not sure what the takeaway should be.
Other Articles of Interest:
- Paranormal State – Darkness Falls – S04E08
- Paranormal State – Shadow Caster – S04E09
- Paranormal State – S04E01 – Suicide Possession
- Paranormal State – Ghost on the Tracks – S05E04
- Paranormal State – They Only Come Out at Night – S05E02
- Paranormal State – Haunted Homecoming – S05E13
- Paranormal State S04E03 – Dead Legends
- Paranormal State – Return of Six
- Paranormal State – Season 1
- Paranormal State – Dwelling of the Dead – S05E11
Ghost Adventures – Fort Chaffee – S04E10
For this investigation, the team heads down to the sweltering heat of Arkansas to investigate Fort Chaffee which has been used to house Cuban and Vietnamese refugees and it has been the scene of quite a few riots and several deaths. With so many people streaming into it, living conditions were poor and many people treated it like a prison. Fights were frequent and as we gather from Lynn, a former guard, plenty of stabbings took place and more than one body was buried out in the back woods.
Lynn also goes on to describe that voodoo was being practiced and an exorcism was performed.
Strangely enough Fort Chaffee is where Elvis came through when he was drafted and they even claim sightings of Bigfoot or some similar creature. There is quite a bit of history to the place, but as Zak and team go on the tour, I have to say the evidence of supernatural goings on are actually pretty slim.
Other investigators claim to hear voices of "help me" and several of the women say they had an arm come out and touch them. They also claim to feel cold spots and a voice has said they need to "Get Out" while investigating. While these are interesting, they don’t really seem to be a big deal. I have come to ignore so many of these claimed voices people keep hearing; and for a place like this especially. It’s still an active military base. Plus there are animals all over the place making who knows what manner of noise. It doesn’t discount any accounts of the paranormal, but any time you have that sort of thing going on it makes me question your findings.
But moving on, the trio heads into the Fort and claim they hear old music and singing. They put a stationary camera in this same spot and get banging noises. Not to throw a wet blanket on the event, but the active military base is a mere stone’s throw away. Who knows what kind of noises you’re getting. That banging could be from a truck driving around.
The guys claim to get EVPs of people saying "Come and get me" and "Get on the bed". One EVP that did amuse me was when Zak was going to pretend there was a fire and everyone needed to get out. He claims to get a voice saying "No one is gonna believe that shit". If that were true, it proves their goofing around and staging scenes doesn’t do anything. No one is falling for it, so stop having people take their shirts off!
Seriously , what is the deal with these shows now taking their tops off? You have to go topless to get ratings these days?
Anyway, the guys bring in Lynn, who worked as a prison guard, to tour several other parts. They head down to where Richard, an "inmate", hung himself in his cell. Strangely they don’t get much at this site. You would think all sorts of stuff would happen, but it doesn’t. Well, they do claim a voice says it’s hot and that someone wants to have sex with Zak. Besides the potty humor aspect of that, it’s pretty damn dodgy at best.
When all is said and done I have to say I didn’t really see/feel much in the way of paranormal activity coming from this place. Quite frankly, I’m not even sure why the guys decided to investigate it since only one other group has been there before and their evidence seemed pretty lean as well. Nothing like staking your own claim on new territory, but this location didn’t really seem to have much going on. There is no doubt it has a pretty bad past and I doubt any of the previous residence were happy to be there, however it seems to be an abandoned camp and a pretty quiet one at that.
I still like episodes like this however, they still show interesting places and bring to life places we might not otherwise get to see. In it’s own little way Ghost Adventures is an interesting history lesson. And if nothing else, they didn’t try to talk Lynn out of his shirt.
Other Articles of Interest:
- Ghost Adventures – Old Fort Erie – S04E12
- Ghost Adventures – Fort McArthur Museum – S09E07
- Ghost Adventures – Pico House Hotel – S04E15
- Ghost Adventures – La Palazza Mansion – S04E09
- Paranormal Cops – Stirring Up The Dead – S01E03
- Ghost Adventures – Sacramento Tunnels – S04E23
- Ghost Adventures – Yost Theater and Ritz Hotel – S08E05
- Haunted Highway – Island of Lost Souls – S02E01
- Ghost Adventures – Loretta Lynn’s Plantation – S05E06
- Ghost Hunters Live Halloween 2008
Ghost Adventures – La Palazza Mansion – S04E09
This episode proves once again that if a real estate deal is too good to be true you probably need to check the basement for a burial ground!
For this episode, the guys don’t have far to go as they investigate a home in Sin City itself. For this investigation they check out a home that has the owners downright terrified. There is little doubt that as they talk about their experiences during the interviews they want to get as far away from this house as possible.
They don’t have a shortage of experiences either. They both talk about a wine glass that came flying off the rack and smashed on the floor. That unto itself really isn’t that big a deal, it’s the part where Chris (the homeowner) gets choked after calling out the would be spirit that’s wild. Apparently, his girlfriend and two guests saw him get choked and had to jump in and help him.
Heather tells that on multiple occasions she would hear voices talking about her while she was in the shower. From her description, the talk was quite sexual in nature. They also claim to hear multiple conversations coming from the attic as well as banging on the walls. They even go so far as to say that Chris’ personality changed while he lived in the house. Apparently he would become extremely violent, and from the way he describes it, he may have been heading towards some murderous deeds. These two have no doubts that the place is full of evil energy.
And they may have cause for concern since Chris says he found a secret room in the house during renovations. It was a white tiled room with an industrial sink that had plumbing caked with blood. That right there sounds like something out of Dexter. He also found a stash if guns. Small caliber .22 handguns, which sound like they could be mob related.
The guys get things underway and immediately run into technical difficulties. The batteries for the cameras and the monitors all go dead. Not surprisingly, Zak feels this is the entities charging themselves for a battle during the lockdown.
As they explore the house they claim to get an EVP of the word attic. This is supposed to be in reference to the voices Heather keeps claiming to hear up there. They continue to walk around with intentions of heading to the secret room when Nick begins to claim that Zak’s face is all distorted. He’s making all sorts of claims that his eyes are in the wrong place. This part actually seems a little phony to me. Maybe he is seeing something, but this could be nothing more than a trick of the light, or lack thereof. Just seems like they’re trying to build some dramatic tension.
When they get to the secret kill room, Zak scratches himself on a nail. First off, it’s not a stab wound but a long scratch. I’m sure it hurt like hell, but it really doesn’t look that bad. Regardless, it doesn’t come across as the life threatening wound they make it out to be. During this incident they claim to get an EVP of a voice claiming they’re breaking into the house. There are also a lot of bangs and someone singing.
Another EVP they claim to get is someone mimicking Zak’s voice. I’m not hearing that at all. That comment actually seems a little bizarre. Again, it seems like they’re trying to build things up.
Next up is perhaps the worst part of this investigation, they bring in a young girl to pretend she’s Heather to try and get the dirty responses she got when taking a shower. This is just silly as can be. Who’s going to believe this? There is no plumbing in the house! Are the spirits really that dumb? They are smart enough to injure people and possibly set fires, but can’t tell the difference between two different people and a house that has no walls? I think we need to ditch these kinds of experiments.
Zak claims to hear snarls and banging while all this is going on. He also claims to hear a female voice during all these shenanigans. Haley seems to be reacting to something in the dark, but that could just be to Zak banging around. Who wouldn’t be freaked out with all this silliness going on?
For the big finale, Zak tries to provoke the spirit that broke the wine glass and choked Chris. He sets up some glasses and starts swinging a knife around. For extra dramatic effect he even goes so far as to stick it in the wall. Throwing knives around in the dark, good call!
Considering the claims that the spirits were drawing all the battery power for some big showdown, I think the evidence was woefully underwhelming. They got the usual fuzzy EVPs, but didn’t capture much else. Zak getting hurt was his own damn fault and considering the sheer terror of the owners I don’t think they really got anything to support these fears. I was expecting boards to fly, punches to be thrown, and lots of scratches and shoving. Based on what happened I really don’t think the owners have too much to be worried about. I’m not saying the place doesn’t have a pretty sketchy past, but right now it seems pretty docile
Other Articles of Interest:
- Paranormal State – Do Bad Things – S05E10
- Ghost Adventures – Fort Chaffee – S04E10
- Haunted Collector – Slaughterhouse Ghosts & Supernatural Sword – S01E06
- Ghost Adventures – Haunted Victorian Mansion – S08E06
- Ghost Adventures – Lemp Mansion and Brewery – S10E02
- Paranormal Lockdown – White Hill Mansion – S02E08
- Paranormal State – Haunted Homecoming – S05E13
- Haunted Towns – Salem – S01E02
- Ghost Hunters International – Argentina/Australia S02E08
- Ghost Adventures – Samaritan Cult House – S14E03
Ghost Adventures – USS Hornet – S04E08
Zak, Nick and Aaron head to San Francisco to visit the USS Hornet, an aircraft carrier that was in the thick of battle during World War II. It was responsible for shooting down multiple enemy planes and destroying enemy ships. It was no stranger to combat and not only did it takes the lives of those it attacked, mental stress and frustration took its toll against those who served on it. It’s reported that several men took their own lives, many through hanging, rather than deal with the routine of war. Of course, death would have been a common occurrence on board during wartime and many men lost their lives in the medical area.
The reports of activity extend through the whole ship, from the sounds of footsteps to seeing injured men in medical bay. One tour guide says a coffee pot came flying out of nowhere and shattered on the floor next to him. And there are claims of spirits walking and then disappearing into the walls. People also claim to see shadows moving around and women get their hair pulled as they tour the ship. If all the reports are to be believed the entire ship is still buzzing with activity.
To get right to the point I think this is worst episode of Ghost Adventures I’ve seen and it was riddled with the guys reaching at straws. They really don’t get any actual activity during this investigation but that doesn’t stop them from doing their normal jaw dropping claims of exciting and hearing voices that aren’t really there. When things are too quiet they break out the spirit box and claim to hear sorts of voices and intelligent responses. Even more than normal they were reaching to make words out of that static.
Their attempts at sounding the alarm didn’t accomplish anything so they go with flying orbs as evidence of activity. Multiple times Zak points out things are flying into and around his head. That is in no way evidence of anything.
When they run out of stunts that don’t get any results, they head down to the medical bay and start talking about all the personal experiences they’re having. Those don’t show up on a recorder so you can’t dispute them! First off, Zak seems completely annoyed at listening to Nick talk about how cold he is and how he feels needles in his arm. He just wants Nick to be quiet as he lies in the bunk. Was Zak too busy trying to formulate how to sell this ship as haunted and salvage this investigation? But when it’s his turn to lie in the same bunk, he repeats exactly what Nick says.
The play acting in sick bay was also pointless. Zak dressing up as though he’s injured is just silly. But it doesn’t actually yield any results regardless of how they would like to spin it.
When all is said and done this episode was a dud. Not because they didn’t find anything, but because they completely over exaggerated everything to make it look like they were still capturing activity. It honestly seemed like they were making up stuff left and right to make the ship seem haunted and improve the drama of the episode. You know, the spirits don’t always come out and you’re not going to capture something every time you go out. And that’s ok; you don’t need to make up evidence to keep us interested in the show.
As a final comment, that opening sequence was over the top cheesy and borderline offensive. I hope we never see that sort of crap again.
Other Articles of Interest:
- Ghost Adventures – The Queen Mary – S10E01
- Paranormal Challenge – USS Hornet – S01E11
- Paranormal Lockdown – Shrewsbury Prison – S02E02
- Paranormal Lockdown – Oliver House – S02E03
- Ghost Hunters International – Argentina/Australia S02E08
- Paranormal State – Ghost on the Tracks – S05E04
- Haunted History – Ghosts of Gettysburg – S01E02
- Ghost Adventures – Bonnie Springs Ranch – S04E17
- Ghost Hunters Academy – Episode 2 – Wilmington NC
- Ghost Adventures – Excalibur Nightclub and Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery – S07E02
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