Ghost Adventures – Route 666 – S13E06 – Part 2
The adventure continues as Zak heads to the next location, Denton, Texas which is on the line of the Pentagram of Blood. It’s supposedly a pentagram that can be drawn across the country that goes through locations where scenes of violence like the JFK assassination and the Waco massacre took place.
Denton is the location of the Goatman’s Bridge, a location where Satanists have tried to conjure up a goat man or satyr. The bridge was built in 1884 and legend says that a goat herder was strung up on the bridge by the notorious KKK. However, the body of the man somehow disappeared from the noose before the Klan could confirm his death. They next went to his home, set it on fire and killed his family.
Zak then talks with a couple of people who claim to have had experiences on the bridge. Belinda, says that while on the bridge, she felt a presence and took a picture of what she and Zak feel is a cloaked figured. She also says she had three scratch marks on her arm – a mockery of the trinity according to Zak.
Becky, claims that she saw a figure of a man with a goat head and human body running through the thicket while she was out on the bridge for a paranormal investigation.
Phoebe, claims she got three long scratches on her back. From there, she says she wasn’t in control of her emotions or herself. She felt violent and wanted to attack the people around her. And not just attack, but actually kill them. Even her son claims she wasn’t acting like herself, although we don’t get much insight into what her odd behavior was.
Right after talking with these women, he notices that Ashley, the still photographer and someone who has been affected by events on the show in the past, appears as though she isn’t herself. She is brought to tears by something and eventually admits that she too is feeling anxiety and has violent thoughts.
As they get set for the investigation, Ashley wants to confront her fears and heads back out into the woods. Meanwhile, for reasons I’m not sure I understand, Billy takes to the water in a small boat to scan for signs of the Goat Man. If all the action is on the bridge, it seems odd for Billy to leave the area, especially when judging by his inexperience with boats and nearly falling out, being on the water at night is not his best course of action. Ultimately his part of the investigation leads to nothing but the discovery of mosquitos.
Ashley, however, is having a pretty rough time with things. She is incredibly nervous and seems more fearful of the snakes and spiders than any sort of demonic activity. There are lots of noises in the trees, then strangely, Ashley takes a bit of a tumble. It’s revealed that she was struck on the head and knocked over. It was also at this time that she heard a growl. Also during this sequence, there is the sound of a gunshot, although a gunshot in the middle of the night in the backwoods of Texas really doesn’t seem that out of the ordinary.
Things then start to take a bizarre turn. Out of nowhere, Jay says he wants to conjure up some spirits to help banish the evil of the bridge. He’s found an ancient text and wants to use those powers. Oddly, when other people do this sort of thing, Zak calls it demonic or Satanic. This is in no way hypocritical.
But they forge ahead and soon we see Jay creating a circle, mixing some ingredients and reciting some incantations. Tensions begin to mount and there is division in the group. Aaron and Billy who were not for this plan, want to leave the area. Strangely, so does Zak. They are all ready to leave Jay, who is still inside the protective circle. With everyone feeling strained, Aaron begins to head back, but his progress is stopped when he claims to be attacked by some unseen force and thrown violently to the ground. Zak claims Aaron was thrown 20 feet based on where his flashlight is left sitting and where they find him laying.
Jay says he saw something behind Aaron, who is now a bit on the delirious side. He’s staggering, fairly incoherent and is ready to defend himself against anyone who comes near him. But, he does have some injuries to his arm. They aren’t as severe as Aaron thinks, but much more than a simple scratch, so he clearly hit the ground with some force. Then again, who’s to say he didn’t trip on a rock and take a massive tumble in the dark?Yet, there is still more craziness. In a bizarre act, Zak begins to choke himself. He literally wraps his hands around his own throat all the while saying it’s hard to breathe and something has control of him. Jay tries to intervene and pulls Zak’s hands away and a tussle ensues. Zak is ready to fight with Jay and only let’s go of himself to attack Jay. He then seems to regain control and storms off, heading right for Aaron who says he basically just came out of a stupor to see Zak heading right for him.
And after all of that, we learn that Ashley decided to take leave from the show because of her traumatic experience associated with this episode.
Other Articles of Interest:
- Ghost Adventures – Commanders House – S16E12
- Ghost Adventures – Leslies Family Tree Restaurant – S12E07
- Ghost Adventures – Route 666 Halloween Special – S13E06 – Part 3 – Analysis
- Ghost Adventures – Hauntings of Vicksburg – Champion Hill Battlefield – Part 4
- Ghost Adventures – Alcatraz – S08E08
- Ghost Adventures – Kennedy Mine – S16E03
- Ghost Adventures – Heritage Junction – S09E06
- Ghost Adventures – Hauntings of Vicksburg – Demons and Dolls – Part 2
- Ghost Adventures – Mackay Mansion – S13E02
- Ghost Adventures – Nevada State Prison – S12E10
Ghost Adventures – Route 666 – S13E06 – Part 1
So we’re off on the Ghost Adventures Halloween Tour. According Zak, we will start in Nevada and head south into Texas, following the trail of Satan himself. That is indeed a bold statement.
There are several destinations ahead, with the first of El Paso, Texas on the border of Juarez, Mexico. According to Zak, the violence and death seen in this area is due to the demons feeding off the dark energy. They head to the De Soto hotel, where it is said evil sprits lurk in all corners because of all the Satanic worship. This is supported by the sound of little girls in the basement of the hotel and the fact a Satan worshipper, when captured by the authorities, put curses on the officers.
Tenants say they hear a little girl running around, but when they open doors for her or get to the stairs, no one is there. There is also a story of a gunman that open fire in the hotel, and according to one of the men who witnessed the incident, he was possessed by something evil. His body convulsed on the floor and he spoke in tongues.
Based on these stories, Zak feels the little girl is actually a demon in disguise. Additionally, residents are fearful of the basement, even though most of them have never been down there.
To get a lay of the land, Zak meets with the property manager and heads down to the basement. He begins to feel dizzy and fights violent thoughts that aren’t his own. They meet with Rev. Harry Flores who says he saw a pentagram on the basement floor and people have claimed pebbles were thrown at them. When the location of the pentagram is pointed out, that’s where Zak says he was standing when became dizzy and violent. The Reverend, standing the same spot, doesn’t show the same behavior.
Reverend Flores, then takes them to the Concordia Cemetery, established in 1856 and the location of some 60,000 burial plots. It is also said that Richard Ramirez, the Nightstalker, not only slept in the cemetery to escape his abusive father, but also performed Satanic rituals. And it appears he’s not the only one as the Reverend claims there are decapitated Jesus statues, the remains of animals and upside down crosses. He also shows off the Infant Nursery, a separate plot of graves where people claim to hear the giggling of children.
The actual investigation starts with Zak in the basement of the De Soto hotel and Billy back in the Concordia Cemetery. You can tell right off the bat, Billy is not having a good time. But things aren’t much better for Zak as he smells something putrid right at the entrance to the basement. He gets the building manager, who agrees there is something rather foul in the air, although they don’t identify a source. A toilet could have exploded for all we know.
As they enter the basement, it’s only a matter of minutes before Aaron says he’s not feeling well, and there is the sound of a pebble being thrown. With the spirit box running, Aaron gets a male and female voice come through.
Zak, Aaron and Jay experience quite a few scares and when Zak has had enough, he brings out a large bundle of sage and burns it to cleanse the evil. He burns it right over the area where the pentagram would have been drawn on the floor. Aaron and Jay are both concerned about this sage burning and begin to become anxious and hostile. They claim they want to lash out against Zak and stop him. While their aggression is heightened, they also hear an argument break out right above them. This argument is linked to demonic activity and isn’t related to some sort of alcohol fueled dispute, because this is too high class an area for that sort of thing.
With their nerves on edge and the sage essence burning in the basement, they see something quite shocking on the monitors. One of the cameras picks up a fan as it moves off the ledge where it’s resting. It moves to the side, then collapses to the floor as though being pulled by a cord. When Zak rushes to the scene, he says there is an icy cold wind. And while discussing the ramifications of a junk fan falling in a basement, a light turns on above their heads. This again is the work of the demonic rather being related to junk wiring in such a well maintained and high class residence.
We also get some fun scenes of the residents playing with a camera that falls from it’s perch. A few seem quite taken with it and gaze longingly into the lens, while they ponder how much it might be worth at the local pawn shop.
Meanwhile, back in the cemetery, Billy recites a small prayer which concludes with the sound of a crow cawing at him. This nearly causes Billy to soil himself. Right on the heels of that, a group of figures is seen walking on the perimeter of the cemetery. Zak feels these are demonic shadow figures coming out of the sinister trio of trees that Billy is near. These trees are supposed to have sprung up like a trident in the location where Richard Ramirez practiced his Satanism. Based on the fact they are simply a few trees in a line and in no way form a trident, I’m not sure what Zak’s talking about.
These sinister figures, who also happen to have automobile traffic moving behind them, don’t accost Billy or cause him any harm, they simply plod along, but he is a wreck and nearly frightened out of his wits. So much so, that he calls the authorities to come look around. However, they find nothing and he doesn’t record any other activity and nothing reveals itself to him.
And with that, they move on to their next location – Denton, Texas, a location on the so called Pentagram of Blood.
Other Articles of Interest:
- Ghost Adventures – Route 666 Halloween Special – S13E06 – Part 3 – Analysis
- Ghost Adventures – Route 666 – S13E06 – Part 2
- Ghost Adventures – Crazy Town – S07E13
- Ghost Adventures – Eureka Mining Town – S15E14
- Ghost Adventures – The Haunted Museum (Old Wengert Mansion) – S12E13
- Paranormal State, seeing the demonic in a box of Cracker Jacks
- Ghost Adventures – Hotel Leger – S16E05
- Ghost Adventures – Mackay Mansion – S13E02
- Ghost Adventures – Hotel Metlen – S13E07
- Ghost Asylum – St Vincent’s Mental Asylum – S01E04
Ghost Adventures – Colorado Gold Mine – S13E01
To kick off the new season, Zak and crew head to Colorado to investigate a haunted gold mine. They’re specifically in Idaho Springs to visit the Phoenix Mine and the Comstock mine. There are tales of Uncle Ray, who supposedly practiced Black Magic and the sound of Tommyknockers. For those who remember Ghost Mine, that crew was fearful of Tommyknockers as well.
There are couple of odd stories about this mine. First, Uncle Ray, a former tour guide, not miner, who supposedly practiced dark magic and "left a trail of depraved evil" according to Zak, had his ashes scattered in the mine. The other story is about two men who were killed by a named Gillespie. He shot them in the head while they were out walking and looking at the mine.
If Ray brought this depraved evil as Zak calls it, why were his remains scattered in the mine? And clearly with the owners understanding since that section is closed off. It’s not like they snuck his remains in there and the location is mystery. And how do they know he practiced dark magic? What exactly did he do? Considering they believe in Bigfoot, Tommyknockers and who knows what else, they’re awfully quick to condemn this guy, but still put his remains in the mine.
To add to the quirks of this investigation, as Zak is hearing the story about the men being killed from Al, the owner, Jo and Victoria come up to tell him they just heard voices in the Comstock mine. Zak decides to investigate, but almost goes into a panic as he enters. He states he’s risking his life and oversells how dangerous the mine is. The ladies, in their sassy pink hardhats, show no signs of anxiety and forge ahead.
Zak breaks out the recorder and gets the words, "get out" and he does exactly what the voice asks and runs out of there. The ladies would prefer he stay and keep trying to communicate, but Zak wants no part of that action. Keep in mind, he’s only gone in a couple hundred feet.
While they say the mine is in bad shape, there is no way in hell the show or the owner would let Zak go in if it was really going to collapse. Even if he did sign a waiver, which I’m sure Zak would bring to our attention, they wouldn’t risk people’s lives. And those ladies had no fear of going in there even if Zak does call them crazy. Pretty sure this is yet another one of Zak’s phobias getting the better of him.
Before the investigation starts, Zak gets a call from Jo, who explains that she has a picture of some miners she caught in the tunnel and that there were blasting caps on the ground near where they heard "get out". So, the voice that Zak originally described as demonic, is now considered a warning because he was kept away from the blasting caps. Of course, the blasting caps need a charge to do anything, but that’s not the point.
Now, with the investigation really getting ready to start, they are thwarted once again by what Zak is describing as a bear and Hank says is Bigfoot. As everyone but Zak goes to investigate, because he is scared witless, they soon discover the cause of the disturbance is a raccoon. So, Hank is ready believe in Bigfoot rather than a raccoon nosing around in the trash. This is how myths and legends get started.
Ultimately, they make it into the mine and Zak asks if anyone can hear him. He asks if it’s the spirit of Ray and gets three knocks. When Zak asks for someone to appear, he gets a little stick figure on the screen, which nearly makes Zak soil himself. To Zak, this is confirmation of a Tommyknocker.
The next part of the investigation comes when they visit the ashes of Ray. As they try the spirit box, there is an orb and a flash of light above Aaron’s head. At the same time, Jay says something grabs his pants. Meanwhile, Billy, in another part of the mine gets a blob on his thermal imager.
For the big finale, they bring out the laser microphone. If the beam is broken, it makes a sound. And so, it makes noises as soon as they hook it up. Jay says it sounds like there was a cave in because of the continuous noise. Next, as they move closer to the remains of Ray, there is a lot of static as though someone is standing in the beam of the laser. This further convinces Zak that the mine is completely charged with spirit energy.
However, this episode has a lot of things wrong and plenty of misleading information. Noises in a tunnel, like creaking boards, that carry on for hundreds of feet is not the result of Tommyknockers. We already know animals are lurking around, what is to say they aren’t in the tunnels themselves? Jo has a photo of miners that looks it was created with a ghost app on a phone. Uncle Ray is such a terrible guy and purveyor of evil, that they buried his ashes in the mine itself. And again, Zak is ready to believe he is evil without a single shred of evidence. That’s not hysteria in any way.
When all is said and done, about the only thing they capture for sure, is the sound of creaking in an old tunnel and a raccoon. I don’t think these count as definitive evidence of the paranormal. Further, Zak already made claims about demons and has problems with the close confines of the mine. He is totally frightened, so he’s going to see whatever the heck he wants to see and his common sense has been thrown out the window.
Other Articles of Interest:
- Ghost Mine – Shadows in the Drift – S02E11
- Ghost Mine – Phantom Intruder – S02E03
- Ghost Mine – S01E06 – Gold Fever – The Finale
- Ghost Mine – Town Wide Terror – S02E09
- Ghost Adventures – Washoe Club and Chollar Mine
- Ghost Mine – Return to Darkness – S02E01
- Ghost Mine – Passageway to the Unknown – S02E10
- Ghost Mine – The Lost Chamber – S02E02
- Ghost Mine – Ghosts of the Geiser Grand – S02E05
- Ghost Mine – Season Finale – Final Thoughts
Ghost Adventures – The Haunted Museum (Old Wengert Mansion) – S12E13
For this investigation, Zak goes no further than his own recently purchased museum, the one we saw featured in his series, Deadly Possessions. The original 33 room mansion was built in 1938 by the Wengert family. At the time, it would have been the largest home in the area and a prominent landmark. It’s now on the historical register, but went through a couple of hands before coming to Zak.
During the renovation, several workers decided they’d had enough of the paranormal shenanigans and walked off the job. Feeling their might be some strange energy associated with the house, he performs an overnight lockdown investigation to see what he and the team can discover.
To get some background, he brings in Rachel Vosko, who used to sneak into the house through the basement in the 70s. She claims there was a pentagram drawn on the floor, enclosed in a circle with streaks of blood around it. Zak invites her to go into the basement where she feels something is clinging to her legs. While recording this segment, Billy claims he gets the words, "I need help" in the voice of a little boy. It is supposed this could be James Wengert who died when he was 8 years old.
Another visitor to the house is Erika Monasco, who says she felt negative energy. She also says her husband indicated her personality changed during her time at the house. As she began to feel somewhat uncomfortable with the house, she poured salt around the room she used as an office.
And then as if on cue, Erika has a bit of a breakdown. She says an icy force swept over her, then has an attack of shortness of breath and a crying spell. Moments later, the feeling passes and she is fine again. However, she later sends Zak a text message that contains the picture of her hand with a large scratch across it.
Finally, they have Shirley Shupe, one of the Wengert children, over for a visit. Her family moved into the house when she was 5. She has no reports of anything odd or unusual, but does convey that her mother died in the house. There is nothing dubious or sinister surrounding her death, she simply died at home. And in a wee bit of scrying, Zak has Shirley sit in front of a mirror and talk about her mother. She gives a rather nice talk to the point she thanks Zak for taking over the house.
Zak then gives Shirley a short tour of the place showcasing what he plans to do with the place. Oddly, Shirley’s old room now houses the Kevorkian VW Bus. I’m sure she wasn’t expecting to see that in there.
As they start the investigation, a cuckoo clock that has been silent this entire time, begins to tick. As Zak shows the movement and how it takes force to get it to start and stop, they claim to hear a child’s laughter. As they look around using the SLS camera, a figure appears and leads them to the room of the VW Bus, wherein the SLS crashes and shuts off. But not before they see the making of a head peering out of from the corner of the frame.
Since they are next to the stairs leading to the basement, they claim to hear the sound of hissing. With the recorder running, they feel the words, "Zak Bagans" comes through.
They then use the SB7 Spirit Box in other parts of the house, but don’t pick up anything until they move into the doll room. They get the word, "play" when asking what the doll wants to do, as well as the word "England" when Zak asks where the doll wants to go. Things get a little strange when Zak asks the doll what’s possessing it and gets the response, "Drop it." They also pick up a growl and a doll from the Villisca Axe Murder House, says the word "Villisca".
There is more strange doll behavior as Zak takes one of the dolls to the basement and surrounds it with rem pods. When Billy goes to check on the doll, it says, "hello there" and the pods start going off. Things get a little unruly as Aaron says he’s having some negative feelings to the point where he wants to punch or stab Billy in the throat. Whether it was Aaron’s statement or the basement itself, but Billy needs to take a break and head outside.
We’re then given a couple additional details such as Aaron got the word "witches" when he was down in the basement and when Zak asks what do the spirits see in the basement, they get the word "secret". Aaron ties these two things together about witches and their secrets.
Finally, they set up cots and sleep in different parts of the house. Zak feels something touch him during the night while the camera watching over Jay seems to move three different times before finally getting unplugged and shutting down. Further, his bed has seemingly moved a couple inches in the night and bunched up the carpet around the feet of the cot.
Not all that long ago, the Ghost Hunters did something similar to this with their Spalding Inn. The claimed it was haunted too. But you have to admit, a haunted hotel will bring in more tourist money than a regular hotel and a haunted museum of curious oddities will bring in more visitors than being in a regular house.
While the blood soaked pentagram in the basement makes for a great story, let’s not get carried away. During that time period people were putting pentagrams on just about everything including album covers. And not everything that has 5 points is a demonic symbol despite the conclusion people like Zak jump to. And I’m sure any bit of red paint or red wax will look like blood to a teenager breaking into the basement of a massive house. To me, that is using an old cliche to say the place is haunted. Just think what Zak would have done if he’d been told they’d found a Ouija board in the basement?
And the bit at the end with the camera moving? Pretty nifty to be sure, but I don’t think paranormal machinations are the only explanation for that.
The house is certainly interesting, but really, do we expect Zak and his crew to say the place isn’t haunted? I mean, how would that look?
Other Articles of Interest:
- Ghost Adventures – Commanders House – S16E12
- Ghost Adventures – Hauntings of Vicksburg – Demons and Dolls – Part 2
- Ghost Adventures – Mackay Mansion – S13E02
- Paranormal Lockdown – S02E11 – Scutt Mansion
- Ghost Adventures – Palmer House Hotel – S07E04
- Ghost Adventures – Winchester Mystery House – S12E11
- Ghost Adventures – Museum of the Mountain West – S15E10
- Ghost Adventures – Ripleys Believe It or Not – S16E01
- Ghost Adventures – Asylum 49 – S14E11
- Ghost Adventures – Double Eagle Restaurant – S14E04
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