The music of Nox Arcana and Midnight Syndicate

The urge for mood music was almost overwhelming this weekend as I was working on several computer projects. I’m a huge fan of Midnight Syndicate, and I keep seeing Nox Arcana as a recommendation from Amazon, so using their preview option I completely immersed myself in their music to see what I liked. Quite frankly I liked them all for different reasons, but decided to download three CDs for this run. I went with Shadow of the Raven (it’s a tribute to Poe, how can you resist that?), Blackthorn Asylum and Transylvania. I’m starting off with the older stuff for right now.

Like Midnight Syndicate they’re very atmospheric and tell a narrative through music. They’re pretty much all instrumental or spoken word. I had a great time listening to each of them and will probably buy a couple more as time goes by. Of course, I plan to play a lot of this over the next month and a half and probably beyond. And make no mistake, all of this will be playing through the house on the big night.

Midnight Syndicate and Nox Arcana are a great pair and between the two of them, I have a massive Halloween playlist brewing. Brewing! Get it?

Got any other suggestions of what to listen to?

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