Ghost Hunters International – Argentina/Australia S02E08

So here we are with the next adventure of the GHI team which takes them to Eden Hotel in Argentina and the Monte Cristo House in Australia.

The Eden Hotel reports they have a little girl who died of tuberculosis on the property. There are claims of a woman laughing and that the dining hall still seems to have people enjoying dinner and indulging in conversation. And there is another little spirit who supposedly died of hypothermia and is still crying for help.

Rob starts us off by trying to gain the trust of the little girl and asks for her to show him around and find the other spirits. Immediately a cold spot appears which he feels is the little girl ready to give him the tour. Alas no thermal imagery or temperature readings to back up this claim of the cold spot. Cute theory though.

Barry feels that setting up a disco in part of the house will bring out the spirits and they bring in a strobe light and let it run for hours on end with no results for their efforts. Not sure what exactly this was supposed to accomplish. I can only imagine the poor sap who had to sit through that seizure inducing footage.

While sitting at the dining room they pull out the EMF and begin asking questions. Ashley and Joe say the device is getting readings but we don’t get to see the needle move. Right before the detector goes off each time they move the camera away and someone says "It went off". What’s the story with that shoddy camera work?

Finally, Dustin nearly soils himself as he’s searching for the little girl who died of TB. As he’s peering through the doorway he lurches back exclaiming he just saw a shadow figure. Of course we see no figure nor hear any noise. All we see is Dustin tripping over his own tail as he almost crushes the camera guy making his getaway.

With just a couple pieces of really sketchy evidence they claim the place is haunted. Is it me or are they seriously lowering the bar for a place to gain the haunted badge?

In Australia they head to the Monte Cristo house where people hear noises, see apparitions and hear the voice of Mrs. Crowley telling them to leave. Since there is a balcony, there is a story of someone falling from it. The story goes Mr. Crowley himself shoved a woman overboard. A woman, he supposedly got pregnant. Those wealthy landowners, always up to no good with the hired help.

Personally, I don’t think they catch much of anything on this one. Quite frankly, the claims of the paranormal seem pretty slight to begin with. But hey, any reason to go to Australia is a good one right?

The two big pieces of evidence are Dustin and Joe hearing the window rattle as they try to talk to Mrs. Crowley in her bedroom and someone saying "Get Out" as the team is getting ready to end their investigation. A window rattling couldn’t possibly be the wind, a bird or a bug hitting it. As for the "Get Out"? Sadly, that isn’t what it sounds like to me. I’m not even sure they’re words. Sounds like someone breathing right next to the microphone to me.

You would think with someone saying "Get Out" the place has to be haunted right? Nope. They just give it the "there’s paranormal activity here" moniker and head on out. The Eden Hotel had just as lame evidence and they had no problem saying that place was haunted. What’s the deal there? Was it the fact Dustin nearly soiled his pants when he claims he saw the little girl that made the place haunted? Soiled pants = haunted?

Clearly there is no consistency in how they judge these places.


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