Paranormal State – Return of Six
Out of the all the episodes I’ve seen over the past three seasons this one really ventured into the absurd and ridiculous. The use of the Shakti Helmet and the Ganzfeld experiment left me feeling that PRS has gone off the deep end or that the show was lacking a dramatic element so they threw this in. As we see from the storming out of the room and flailing of arms using either device can be physically demanding, but of course using them together is ultra dangerous and who knows what the ramifications could be. We need to have Sergey and Chad walking out and the ultimatum of being kicked out of PRS because Ryan is doing something crazy.
Umm, what the hell?
From what I have read of these two devices they have been engineered to provide a mechanism for experiencing the paranormal (and here I thought drinking too much tequila would make you hear voices). The Shakti Helmet bombards the brain with magnetic fields and makes it more receptive to otherworldly activity. The Ganzfeld experiment causes a form of sensory depravation that heightens the ability to sense and experience the paranormal.
I’m sorry, but I have to say this all comes across as a complete load of crap. I cannot for a second believe that either of these gizmos would create any pathway to the paranormal nor do I see either one as actually being dangerous. Stupid yes, dangerous no. If we are to believe anything about high EMF it’s that it causes hallucinations, paranoia, and the feeling of the paranormal even when it isn’t there. So this is basically creating a situation which causes a faux-paranormal experience. And the Ganzfeld experiment is nothing more than a way to disorient yourself, which can effect everything the body interprets and feels. I don’t really see how this can be considered anything different than someone getting high and saying they had an out of body experience or they touched the paranormal. This is a complete false positive and to say this is paranormal investigation is truly bizarre. After that point, I kind of just gave up, that whole episode was just a farce to me. I can accept the show as entertainment and accepting some of these crazy stories without actually trying to debunk anything, but this was too much. And we thought the K2 meter from the Ghost Hunters was a little suspect?
So after a failed exorcism, and abandoning another family five hours away, Ryan and his team face the devil himself – or at least something that calls itself by multiple names of the devil. After being knocked around and sticking salad bowls on their heads and ping pong balls over their eyes the PRS group turns to the Internet for prayer. What? That’s it? That’s your big master plan to rid the house of evil? I’m not going to dismiss the power of prayer or get into some debate about it, but come on.
And then the devil disappears. Really? That’s all you have to do? Band some people together on the web and evil is dispelled? Damn, I need to try that on my Ex!
I have to say, I’m not too impressed with this episode for corny antics, this totally suspect equipment and misguided over dramatization. Most of the episodes haven’t been like this so perhaps they were just trying to expand their horizons and see what the reaction would be.
Shakti Helmet:
Ganzfeld Experiment:
Other Articles of Interest:
- Simpsons Halloween Special XVIII
- Paranormal State – Ghosts of the Forgotten – S05E08
- The Exorcist Files – Infestation – S01E01
- Paranormal State – Paranormal Detour – S05E07
- Whitechapel Season 3
- Paranormal Challenge – Linda Vista Hospital – S01E10
- American Horror Story – Asylum – S02E01
- Ghost Adventures – Winchester Mystery House – S05E04
- Paranormal State – S04E01 – Suicide Possession
- Paranormal State – Season 2
Um..the wiki website clearly states-“The apparatus uses magnetic fields, and not EMF emissions, as is sometimes thought. Much of the controversy surrounding the ‘God Helmet’ is due to this misunderstanding.”
So maybe before you go trashing the device, you should read the entire article. And just because you don’t understand something, gives no reasoning for you to trash-talk. Get a life.
dear anna emf and magnetic fields are one in the same emf is a accronym for electromagnetic fields
I find it ironic that somebody who defends Ryan Buell says get a life. He’s the most fake jackass on tv. I love the editing where Ryan is fighting evil all by himself. Or the newest fade away showing Ryan against a ceiling fan with the look of angelic determination. What a joke. My girlfriend believes this crap but that’s ok. She’s really hot.